Monday, October 14, 2013

How to Survive from a Relationship with a Narcissist thermotron manager


it is easy to work with a thermotron Narcissist manager

thermotron manager's look for dirt on you and spread rumors about you--

at thermotron it is called "just politics"

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit at thermotron -- management - mark lamers and more


mark lamers in 1980 braged that ther are no good people employed very long at thermotron--

yes it is true-- whith him and-- Fred Plont-- and others--   yes at Thermotron-- your co -workers with lie cheat steal embezzle and lible and slander co-workers behind their back--

no--- problem-- it common with a dutch and christian reformed church-- and church goer

Sunday, October 6, 2013

all temp engineering - They Took Our Job!--Thermotron couldn't provide QUALITY Field service technician's.. Thermotron management They were being trained by Mark Lamers, an d Thomas Bannach..

ok sure

Southpark - They Took Our Job!, All Temp engineering

All Temp Engineering in San Jose, CA - Lycos Yellow Pages All Temp Engineering in San Jose, CA. Find All Temp Engineering phone number and address, read user reviews, find driving directions to All Temp Engine

All Temp engineering took all the service work from thermotron and Enseco, in San Jose california, Thermotron had to close the office in northern California.

Thermotron couldn't provide QUALITY Field service technician's..

They were being trained by Mark Lamers, an d Thomas Bannach..

Dean Tripp said it "no longer mattered if U did a good job, or a bad job--

Hil Sybesma was quoted "Thermotron where the more U do the more U have 2 do!!"

Where Quality and job performance is not necessary..

Gee Wiz it's under Warrenty!! WHAT did U EXPECT !!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime ORIGINAL 1970

Burlesque TV - Signature Drinks, Titty Perkins, Thanksgiving Gratitude

South park- They took our jobs-- find all Thermotron Industries jobs in Portland


get a special 2 week training with mark  lamers--

and remember -- Good people really don not work at thermotron for very long--

Gee when are you leaving -- don't take a clue?

Industrial Sales Representative
Industrial Manfacturer -  Thermotron   Portland, OR
Industrial Sales, Professional Selling Position 
You love the idea of visiting multiple sites in a day
You are self disciplined and accept personal responsibilityBig dollar
Posted 10/01/2013 - Hide the face that you love the fact u can take the customer to lunch and get him drunk-- so you can find out howmuch money he really has to spend
Job Type: Full Time
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Industry: the position Industrial Sales Representative job is categorized under Sales / Sales Management / Business Development
Local Careers: find all Thermotron Industries jobs in Portland (8.6% 
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 Refine your Thermotron Industries job search to find new opportunities in Portland Oregon and top paying openings in the ZIP codes - 97229 jobs, 97256 jobs and more. 
 According to Jobs2Careers data, the average salary range for similar positions in Portland is 30K - 49K.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

thermotron - and the neighborhood liars and thieves - "What if you're wrong?" South Park

ok sure

Thermotron with gregrey V johnson the pet thief, embezzler and Thomas bannach false wittness..

jim roelofs – “What if you’re wrong?” bo bjarno


jim roelofs fires    bo bjarno

Jim Roelofs is here but kicking back a little, we have tried to give him more responsibility several times and he says “No thanks”.
He’s reached that stage where he realizes responsibility has more drawbacks that positives and is real comfortable where he is – smart.
It amazes me how things repeat themselves and if you just pay attention to history you have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen next.Hope things are well with you .Tom P.
interesting that jim r is with u.. because “Curt” who replaced bo bjarno.. said all he did at thermotron was walk around with a good grip on his ankles..
When we told chryel the 4th secretary that left the office, to mention to tom bannash .. that bo bjarno was drunk every day and it scared her..
all jim roelofs did was conspire to defraud him..
I had worked with him for 2 years drunk and asked dick Mc Kinley about it .. when he was hired..
But thomas bannach and bo bjarno — started the employee harrasment with Joyce palmer
and it continued with 3 or 4 more people over the next 2 years.. 
lying cheating stealing harassment and defrauding employees
this is the Thermotron model for management behavior–  
and as Gregory V Johnson spent his time — stealing and robbing the customer and functioning as a false wittness for thomas bannach–
Contact Tamera Kennedy—  for your own opportunity to be a liar and a thief at THERMOTRON
as Bo bjarno style was get the customer or any one drunk .. and then find out how much money they had in the budget.. he was a flaming alcholic/..
and with greg johnson the pet thief, embezzler and banniah’s false wittness.. it was a pretty horrible place to work.. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

thermotron management training -- hey ! you still here-- ! contace tamera kennedy!! what a gal!!

yes your replacement is here

take 5 minutes and tell them "everything" you know!!

yes at thermotron
we always have some openings

yes harry Grace who replaced the final staff  members in a west coast office -- as a New hire --- harry grace said --

what harry didn't know was that thomas bannach drummed out and harassed and libeled and slandered

all his co workers-- and bragged that everyone would believe his lies--

BUT the thermotron thieves and embezzles -- were loyal and told him what eve lies he wanted to hear--

to be one of the average liar and thief-- contact tamera kennedy

Contact Thermotron

Thermotron World Headquarters

291 Kollen Park Drive Holland, MI 49423 USA
(ph) 616.393.4580
(fax) 616.392.5643
Email Us

Thermotron Manufacturing Headquarters

836 Brooks Avenue Holland, MI 49423 USA

Remit To Address

PO BOX 689590
Chicago, IL 60695-9590

Sunday, July 21, 2013

How To Identify And Protect Yourself From THERMOTRON Psychopaths, Thomas Sheridan 7...

yes at thermotron

i met many types of thermotron

1. it's ok to lie cheat steal and defraud everyone

2.. you are only suppo0sted to look out for your self

3.. it dosen't matter what you do to any one

4.. it dosen't matter what you say about anyone

5. it dosen';t matter if the equipment works or not-- you are supposted to "convince" the customer it's ok to sign off on it

6.. stealing is not wrong-- it 's called working the system

7.. manager-- training -- lie and defraud your co workers

8..  it dosen't matter if they are a phony

9..  you are only supposted to look out for your self-- don't help anyone

10.. it's fun to deceive and miss-lead the customer and co workers

Friday, July 19, 2013

thermotron management - petty and vindictive --Sadly, if your boss is a liar , you can't trust him.

ok start here

Bitching at the Office--Sadly, if your boss is a liar, you can't trust him. 

Thermotron-- don't you what 2 go into management??


Is your boss   at THERMOTRON a liar?

(yes of course he is) 

 Does he give you false information about new accounts, fellow employees, job duties and office policies?

 Are you constantly ciphering through his words in search of the truth? Well, don't fret. You are not alone.

According to sites like "Bad Bossology," a lot of people work for men and women who would rather lie than tell the truth. It's an epidemic sweeping the nation.

The best example of a lying boss can be seen through the company Enron. The financial lies of the leadership in Enron caused hundreds of people to lose out on their life savings. It was a catastrophic event broadcasted all over the news.

So what should you do if you work for a lying boss?

Dealing with a lying boss is a challenge.

However, the challenge doesn't lie with their behavior as much as it lies in how you respond to it. Most people fall into one of three categories. They act like a duck, a bird or an owl.

Employees who fall into this category refuse to the let the lies of their bosses get to them. So, they act like the lies don't exist and let them roll off their back like water on a duck's back. To outsiders, they appear perfectly content with their work conditions. Yet, secretly, they know what's going on around them is oh-so wrong.

Employees who fall into this category hate to be lied to and resent their lying bosses. As a result, birds talk behind their bosses back constantly and even warn newcomers. This behavior usually adds kindle to an already unfriendly/tense work-relationship between themselves and their bad bosses. Birds truly want to quit their jobs, but their financial circumstances won't let them. So, they do the next best thing, squawk about it.


Employees who fall into this category accept the fact that their bosses are liars and act proactively in response to it. They take meticulous notes at meetings, save e-mails and keep up on office agenda. It's the only way to really deter their bosses lies and let their bad bosses know that they can't be taken advantage of. Owls usually are the go-to-people in the office, because of their job expertise and proactive behavior.

You've probably guessed by the descriptions that the balanced approach to a lying boss is to act like an owl

. Here's a few other tips I've found on works sites all over the internet.Just:

Sadly, if your boss is a liar, you can't trust him. So, for the important aspects of your job that can make or break you, get it in writing. You don't have to tell him that you want it in writing because he is a liar. All you have to say is that you want to be clear on protocol. (Wink) If your boss refuses to do this, shoot him a quick e-mail re-capping your important discussions. Of course, he won't like this, but it'll provide you with a paper trail that you may have to use in the future.
When you work for a lying boss, you will often get garbled information about office protocol, jobs and/or events. So maintain a relationship with an office go-to-person or source. This individual should be an old-timer who knows what's going on at all times or at least can find out. Your source will be able to provide you with the truth behind your bosses lies.
Every office has a manual that you can refer back to in order to understand that goals and aspirations of the company. Stay abreast of this information because your lying boss may distort it for a variety reasons. What am I saying? You be an expert on the rules, so you won't fall for a well-crafted fable.
Now that you've gotten a strategy for dealing with a lying boss, you will be able to wade relatively safely through their dishonesty. However, you do need to decide at one time or another if it's worth all of the extra effort. If the pros start to dwindle, it may be time to find another job.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Passion Points - Caiaphas nullifies his own priesthood- thermotron with thomas bannach and Hil sybesma


sure -- what is TRUTH thomas w bannach--- aand hil sybesma

the riligious understanding holland michig christian WHORES--

Hil Sybesma said he had the problem as thomas bannach--

he wanted to lie cheat deceive and defraud his co workers and the customer--

and he still wanted people to like him

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Truth Project-- spent time with a thermotron liar and thief


you can spend time with a thermotron liar and thief--

i was warned in 1971 that the holland michigan dutch and christian reformed were petty and vindictive

and Hil sybesma used those same "words" and phrase to describe the management style at thermotron,

Thomas patterson -- said --"well if you don't go long with what every they say " then they "attack" you..

He thought it was funny as he said-- Gee when john tenbrink and dave durham were embezzling and defrauding their hours and time and bein drunk on the job--

Wiley and his gang of thieves -- attacked you-- as the remedy-- for that "UNWANTED information.

It is no doubt -- that Boeing and other companies -- would not hire john Tenbrink-- because the only time he was working was when  Bob Wiley -- was on the job  site--

other wise --  for get it-- then John tenbrink would lie to him about the progress and his co workers